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*All eligible vehicles must be ordered before 01/04/24 (unless extended), or while stocks last. Displayed price is only available through a novated lease administered by RemServ. Weekly costs have been determined based on the following assumptions: 1) The lease is a RemServ fully maintained lease, 2) a 5 year term, 3) a residual value of 28.13% of the vehicle purchase price payable at the end of term, 4) Inclusion of finance and budgeted costs for: fuel or electricity, 8 replacement tyres, maintenance, roadside assistance, registration, CTP and comprehensive insurance, 5) Gross annual salary for each petrol car example is $90,000. Gross annual salary for each electric and plug-in hybrid car is $130,000, 6) Vehicle purchased in QLD, 7) 15,000km per annum, 8) Salary Sacrifice using Employee Contribution Method (ECM). The Fringe Benefits Tax Exempt Method is only used for eligible electric vehicles under the luxury car tax threshold of $89,332. The indicative price quoted for the novated lease is based on vehicle quotations RemServ has received within the last 45 days and does not include any optional extras. Any optional extras that you choose will affect the cost of the novated lease and residual value. If you purchase the vehicle on termination of the novated lease, GST will apply on the purchase price you pay at that time. The novated lease offer is based on the assumption outlined above, and is an indicative cost approximation of the selected vehicle and model shown and the amounts may change at the time the novated lease quotation is completed and finalised. Your individual circumstances have not been taken into account as this will affect the overall weekly cost amount and the benefits of a novated lease. These specials cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. From 1 April 2025, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle will not be considered a zero or low emissions vehicle under the FBT legislation. However, you can continue to apply the exemption if both the following requirements are met: 1) Use of the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle was exempt before 1 April 2025. 2) You have a financially binding commitment to continue providing private use of the vehicle on and after 1 April 2025. For this purpose, any optional extension of the agreement is not considered binding.
^Savings shown are indicative and reflect estimated tax savings over the full-term of the lease. The total amount saved is a comparison between a novated lease based on the assumption outlined above and the purchase of a vehicle and payment of running and maintenance costs using post-tax earnings. Actual savings will depend on your personal circumstances
#Please note that stock levels vary from time-to-time and so certain vehicles may not be available at the time of enquiry.
+RemServ’s car procurement services are optional, you may choose to purchase your vehicle through any supplier
Things you need to know: The implications of salary packaging a motor vehicle through a novated leasing arrangement, including tax savings will depend on your individual circumstances. The information in this publication has been prepared by RemServ for general information purposes only, without taking into consideration any individual circumstances. Before acting on any information or entering into a novated leasing arrangement, you should consider your objectives, financial situation and needs, and, take the appropriate legal, financial or other professional advice based upon your own particular circumstances. The Queensland Government strongly recommends that you obtain independent financial advice prior to entering into, or changing the terms of, a salary packaging arrangement.
Conditions and fees apply, along with credit assessment criteria for lease and loan products. The availability of benefits is subject to your employer’s approval. RemServ may receive commissions in connection with its services. Actual vehicle price is based on specific vehicle and accessories, prices and savings may vary based on additional options selected with vehicle. RemServ does not act as your agent or representative in respect of the purchase of any vehicle. RemServ does not provide any advice or recommendations in relation to the purchase of any vehicle.
Remuneration Services (Qld) Pty Ltd | ABN 46 093 173 089 (RemServ)